Monday, August 24, 2009

Berry Galette

I apologize for not participating as often in the challenges. I had a baby about six weeks ago and he has been getting all of my attention. However, once Oliver has more of a schedule it will leave some time for me to bake during the day. I am looking forward to doing some more baking. I did manage to go see Julie & Julia at a Movies for Mommies event. Julia is such an inspiration.

I made the Berry Galette one week before my due date and took it for dessert for our annual Shakespeare in the Park picnic. It got rave reviews so I made it again. I love making galettes period.

I thought I had already downloaded the pictures....I will have to upload them later this week as I have an infant attached to my arm. Tina and Misty however can attest that I made it!

Until next time happy baking!